tags: Escorts, Fremantle, Fremantle Escorts, Gfe, Perth Escorts
Services: full service and massage
Contact: Perth/Fremantle 0403687517
Stats: Philippines girl
city: Perth WA
tags: Escorts, Fremantle, Fremantle Escorts, Gfe, Perth Escorts
Services: full service and massage
Contact: Perth/Fremantle 0403687517
Stats: Philippines girl
city: Perth WA
tags: 18 Yo, Escorts, Fremantle, Perth
Services: I can provide a girlfriend experience, porn star experience that will satisfy you and have you wanting so much more. I like to focus on you, my aim is to tease and please.
Contact: Perth/O'Conor/F remantle/ Hilton 0403687517
Stats: 20yo Janapese girl
city: Perth/Fremantle/oconnor
tags: Escorts, Escorts Outcall Pert, Fremantle, Perth, Perth Escort
Services: full service and massage
Contact: Perth/Femantle / Hilton 0403687517
Stats: taiwan girl
city: Perth WA
tags: Babes, Escorts, Fremantle, Japanese Escort, Perth
Services: I can provide a Girl Friend Experience, Porn Star Experience that will satisfy you and you will be wanting so much more. I like to focus on you and make sure you are relaxed and taken care of.
Contact: Perth/Fremantle 0403687517
Stats: 19yo Student
city: Perth WA
tags: Escorts, Fremantle, Perth, Student, Taiwan
Services: 10 am till late
Contact: Perth/Femantle / Hilton 0432739328
Stats: Comlombia girl
city: Perth WA